Nederland, Nijmegen, 19-7-2015Nijmeegse vierdaagse gaat weer beginnenMilitair kamp op Heumensoord. Er komen zo'n 5000 militairen uit verschillende landen te logeren. De 4-daagse vindt plaats in de derde week van juli. Ook militairen van de landmacht zijn al bezig met het aanleggen van de installaties. Foto: Flip Franssen/Hollandse Hoogte The International Four Day Marches Nijmegen (or Vierdaagse) is the largest marching event in the world. It is organized every year in Nijmegen mid-July as a means of promoting sport and exercise. Participants walk 30, 40 or 50 kilometers daily, and on completion, receive a royally approved medal, Vierdaagsekruisje. The participants are mostly civilians, but there are also a few thousand military participants. The maximum number of 45,000 registrations has been reached. More than a hundred countries have been represented in the Marches over the years. FOTO: FLIP FRANSSEN/ HOLLANDSE HOOGTE
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